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SOFTENG 462 — Formal Methods

Welcome to SOFTENG 462, a course on formal methods using Alloy, Z, OCL, JML, and CSP.


  • Class meetings will be held in room 561 (5th floor of the 303S Science Extension building) until the mid-semester break.
They will return to Arts 209 when Jing takes over the class in the second half of the semester.
Jham005 10:18, 8 August 2007 (NZST)
  • The meeting on Thursday 16 August has been cancelled, on account of Microsoft Student Day.
Jham005 15:54, 15 August 2007 (NZST)

Class meetings: agenda and minutes

Agenda for future class meetings and minutes for previous meetings will appear here. You are invited to add items to the agenda. Students taking minutes are expected to update the agenda page with a summary of the meeting within 24 hours.

  • Week 1

Student Timetables

Please enter your timetables in the table in the following link
so we can try to negotiate an alternate lecture time :)

