Group 6.1

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Add bugs to the list
In Progress = Person who discovered is working on it
Not Fixed = Any one can fix (change to In Progress with Name e.g. In Progress (Adam))

<html> <head>

    .fixed, .inProgress, .notFixed {
       font-weight: 800;
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       content: "Fixed";
    .inProgress {
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       content: "In Progress";
    .notFixed {
       background-color: #d00b0b;
       content: "Not Fixed";
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    String.prototype.trim = function () {
       return this.replace("^\s*", "").replace("\s*$", "");
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    window.onload = function() {
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            } else if (statusText.match(/^not fixed/) != null) {
               statusCell.className = "notFixed";
            } else if (statusText.match(/^fixed/) != null) {
               statusCell.className = "fixed";
    function init() {
       //Checkbox for BugList 1
       document.getElementById("bugList1_check").onclick = function () {
          var bugTable1 = document.getElementById("bugTable1");
          if (this.checked) {
             try {
       = "table";
             } catch (badBrowser) {
       = "block";
          } else {
    = "none";

</head> </html>

Bug List (Group 2)

Bug Id Discovered By Description Status Fixed By
1 Adam Roughton Terrain has package visibility when it needs public visibility to make games Fixed Adam Roughton
2 Adam Roughton GameFrame has no dimensions on startup in linux (although still has state maximized) Fixed Adam Roughton
3 Daniel Brooker When a match is created with a match name that has already been used, the game will automatically start with only one player (Engine thinks they are the same match) Not Fixed
4 Chris Haden (Group 2) Chris found and resolved one on the client where it would ignore movements of pieces that weren't the current piece. Fixed Chris Haden
5 Adam Roughton Serialization of swing components causing InvalidClassException when two different JVM versions are used. Another mechanism for sending the menu components (XMLEncoder) will be needed. Fixed Adam Roughton
6 Daniel Brooker Client does not have consistent panel size, bad UI layout, panel size changes ever panel change Not Fixed
7 Daniel Brooker, Adam Roughton The units are not centered properly on tiles that aren't of type IsoSquare (the engine has been hard coded to use isometric based centering instead). Fixed Adam Roughton, Daniel Brooker
8 Adam Roughton Redundant method stubs in GameData that are never called (the properties are put into the WaitingGameLobbyMessage but are never used by the client): getGameProperties and propertieChange(sic). Methods Removed and WaitingGameLobbyMessage updated. Fixed Adam Roughton
9 Adam Roughton Client not updated when the state of an existing unit is changed (i.e. not removed or added). Not Fixed
10 Adam Roughton No victory conditions implemented. It is currently not possible to win a game. Both the client and the server need to be made aware of end game conditions. Fixed Adam Roughton
11 Adam Roughton Changing the server ip address after unsuccessfully connecting causes the client to enter an error state. The client does not connect but acts like it has a connection. Not Fixed
12 Adam Roughton Custom panels are not removed when a game ends Not Fixed

Bug List (Group 1)

<html><input type="checkbox" id="bugList1_check" /></html> Display?

Bug Id Discovered By Description Status Fixed By
1 Daniel Brooker Client doesn't report who's turn it is correctly, player 1 starts as "Your turn" but with incorrect colour. It also desynchronizes frequently. Not Fixed
2 Daniel Brooker Move highlighting doesn't always show Not Fixed
3 Daniel Brooker Message box isn't always synchronized between clients Not Fixed
4 Daniel Brooker Submit turn button doesn't work Fixed Adam Roughton
5 Daniel Brooker Server disconnect doesn't warn user. Not Fixed
6 Daniel Brooker Lack of useful error reporting Not Fixed
7 Adam Roughton
Daniel Brooker
If a player selects a piece that they have moved last turn, it will immediately end the turn. Fixed Adam Roughton
Daniel Brooker
8 Adam Roughton Equals method in GameState and Piece has not been overridden. Required for testing. Fixed Adam Roughton
9 Adam Roughton Soul class not thread safe when it is access by multiple threads Not Fixed
10 Adam Roughton Piece.generateMoveStates: A movement with relative directions that cycle back onto the starting position still generates possible moves on the position the piece is currently located at (when no possible positions should be created) Fixed Adam Roughton
11 Adam Roughton Piece.generateMoveStates: A piece with repeated movements causes repeated possible moves to be generated when only one possible move should be created. Fixed Adam Roughton
12 Adam Roughton Piece.generateMoveStates: A piece with a movement with no relative directions does not return an empty list of possible moves. Fixed Adam Roughton
13 Adam Roughton Piece.generateMoveStates: IllegalArgumentException not thrown if a null player is passed as an argument Fixed Adam Roughton
14 Adam Roughton Piece.<ctor>: IllegalArgumentException not thrown if the piece has a null movement list passed Fixed Adam Roughton
15 Adam Roughton Games shown in game list on join panel not specific to the game type chosen Not Fixed
16 Adam Roughton Please wait dialog boxes showing with no message and not closing Not Fixed
17 Adam Roughton Logging in multiple times allowed even though it causes problems with the server Not Fixed
18 Daniel Brooker Grids can only be square, despite asking for different x and y when constructing Fixed Daniel Brooker
19 Adam Roughton North and South defined back to front on the server: North Direction is from high y to low y (currently defined as from low y to high y even though the northern end of the board has a y = 0) Fixed Adam Roughton
20 Daniel Brooker Even when specifying a new game board in the rules a chess board is always used Fixed Daniel Brooker
21 Adam Roughton No victory condition mechanism present Fixed Adam Roughton