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Web page under construction... please GO AWAY!!! come again later... hehe...

im serious, go away already....

u sure dont listen do you...


The task was to pretty much mess around with array lists, and how they work and the time they usually take to compile/run.


Task 1

simply add the following code to the bottom of the given arraylist.c

int main (){
	ArrayList bob;
	int i=0;
	clock_t start = clock();

	for (i= 0; i < 1000000; i++){
		arraylist_push(&bob, 1);
	clock_t finish = clock();

	printf("to add %d elements to the array list took %f seconds\n", i, (double)(finish - start));

	return 0;

and at the top, make sure you have these libraries,

#include <stdio.h>		/* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h>		/* for malloc, realloc, free */
#include <string.h>		/* for memmove */
#include <assert.h>		/* for assert */
#include <time.h>               /* for the clock */
#include "arraylist.h"

for the computer it was tested, the result lookd something like this,

to add 1000000 elements to the array list took 31.000000 seconds