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The first thing i did was looking at the code.


After i understod the makeRandomTree() and show_tree() i wrote the following code:

int main() {
    int i = 0;
    for ( ; i < 4; i++) { 
	show_tree(0, makeRandomTree(100));
    return 0; 

The code prints 4 random trees each time i change the number of nodes in a rendom tree. I varied the number of nodes

between 10 and a 100.
Size	Trial1	Trial2	Trial3	Trial4	Average Height
10	5	5	3	4	4
20	8	6	8	6	7
30	9	9	8	7	8
40	9	8	11	9	9
50	10	8	8	10	9
60	10	10	10	9	10
70	12	10	9	12	11
80	12	12	10	11	11
90	12	14	9	13	12
100	12	13	15	13	13

Ploting the size vs the Average Height gives the following graph: <HTML> <img src="" border="0" /> </HTML> Looking at the graph, it looks like it is a liner relationship. As the number of nodes grows,


The Minimum function:

Node* minimum( Node* node ) {
    while (node->left != empty)
	node = node->left;

    return node;

The Maximum function:

Node* maximum( Node* node ) {
    while (node->right != empty)
	node = node->right;

    return node;

To test it, i have used the following:

int main() {
    Node *newBST;
    newBST = makeRandomTree(5);
    show_tree(0, newBST);
    printf("Minimum: %d\n", minimum(newBST)->key);
    printf("Maximum: %d", maximum(newBST)->key);
    return 0;