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Lab 9


Finally fed up with laptop not liking the code I finally gave up and switched to using the lab computers - finally.

Option II: Extend the parser

This task looks the easiest... But on the other hand I could be wrong...

        Incomplete parse
        Incomplete parse
        Incomplete parse
        Incomplete parse
Parse("junk that won't parse"):
        Incomplete parse

Right... That isn't what I want... At least the original code has some statements of use... Yay Junk. After an hour of fiddling around solo trying to get somewhere, decided with Joon that two heads are better than one and combined efforts to try and get through the lab.

A while later of banging our heads against the screen making one step forward, two steps back we joined forces with Tom in the hopes that one of us would be able to figure out what was going wrong.

When we figured out that StmtSeq was the function referred to as Ss in the handout, it was a major step back, as well as forwards as we had been writing for it as though it was the S function, Stmt. Course now we have Stmt mostly written...