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Assessment criteria Score
The session content is relevant to the course 4.5
The session has been a useful aid to your own learning 5
The team presenting the session has demonstrated that they have understood what they have presented 5
You have learnt something new from the session 4

Justification for the above scores

Overall was a good session, showing each bit of the PMDB assignment while also introducing something new (MultiMap).

One aspect of the session that was particularly good

Multimap was helpful, and especially when put in the context of the assignment.

One part of the session that could have been improved

Perhaps less time on the multimap, and more time on how it differs to the tasks suggested implementation of listed pairs.

Members Present

Vincent Jean Seong Budelmann (vbud003)

Samuel Perry Dalton (sdal039)

Samar Ghalib Abdul Rahman Ghalib (sgha014)

Medha Ghatikesh (mgha023)