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Meeting Minutes Supervisor Meeting Minutes Sprint Log Conference Poster

Functional Backlog


  1. This feature backlog represents the customer's requirements in terms of features in a prioritised manner.
  2. This backlog is meant to be updated at the end of each sprint in an attempt to properly reflect the customer requirements before the next sprint.

Latest Backlog [30/04/08]

  1. A Silverlight Media player that plays Tandberg conferences
  2. A Silverlight Media player that has playback support
  3. A Silverlight Media player that has volume support
  4. A Silverlight Media player that plays video and audio (the media) in a synchronised manner
  5. A Silverlight Media player that is tailored for viewing (not control)
  6. A Silverlight Content navigator that displays Tandberg conferences
  7. A Silverlight Application that links a Silverlight Media player and a Silverlight Content Navigator
  8. A Silverlight Content navigator that has categorisation support
  9. A Silverlight Content navigator that supports sorting
  10. A Silverlight Content navigator that supports search functionality

Feature Ideas From Development Team

From Sprint 1

  1. To show that one can control the buffering of data to a video player. (Tandberg wanted this to synchronise the dual. Audio and Video as well.)
  2. To show that one can bind a byte stream to a video player
  3. Browse between different controls (E.g. Video player and Video navigator)
  4. Display hierarchical information in Silverlight (Navigator)
  5. Resize windows and modify video aspect ratio (scale)
  6. Annotiations
  7. Pips are playable, movable, resizable, and the ability to collapse the control
  8. Thumbnails to display in Silverlight